About Us
Our Story
What is OnlyTheInspired.com for? Well a better question would be, who is it for and why?
You see I am INSPIRED!
I know for many who are inspired like me, they are surrounded by people that just don't get them. They don't understand why we are so passionate, why we go to all of those seminars, why we take all of those courses, why we keep striving to better ourselves and change the world.
When I get back from a Tony Robbins event and I just walked across hot coals again, I feel like I am on top of the world. I get home and I am exhausted from playing all out with 7,000 other people, but I am INSPIRED! My kids never know what to expect. My friends and family don't know what to expect. They don't understand why I do it. They just don't get it.
When I get back from a Brendon Burchard event, I am on fire! I just hung out with hundreds of people who are also on fire but... the people at my job don't get it. They make fun of me for it. I'm cool with that. They are the ones missing out. I'm going to change the fricking world! Hell YES! I'm INSPIRED!
If you are like me, your happy place is being surrounded by the people who are INSPIRED. The ones that want to make a difference in the world. The ones that think stretching and striving to improve themselves is fricking awesome! People who are taking action to do what they are passionate about and to create ultimate happiness and freedom.
Again, if you are like me, most of the people that are around you are not inspired. They don't get you. It can be a very lonely place to be, like you feel like you are stuck on an island all by yourself. It is like you all of a sudden speak a different language than the uninspired.
Once you have been bitten, you can't ever go back. You would rather die than live a life uninspired. OK, you probably wouldn't rather die, but to me, living an uninspired life is like dying. It kills your soul.
What is even harder is if you are in a relationship and you are the INSPIRED one and your partner is not. They don't want you to be inspired. They don't want you to spend the money on the programs or go to the events. I know marriages that have ended because of this very thing.
What if you are single and INSPIRED? It is sure tough to find "The One" but not just "The One" but "The Inspired One". I know that if you have been to any Tony Robbins events, you are changed from those events. You can't go back. You don't want to go back. And you sure don't want to settle for anyone that doesn't get that there is a different way to think, act, and do. There is a way to have that uncommon life and the way is not just going through the motions.
I want OnlyTheInspired.com to be a place of honesty, openness, vulnerability, encouragement, authenticity, a place to be raw, and a place for those of us who are INPSIRED to connect with others just like us. I want this to be a place of growth, support, friendship, collaboration, and possible relationships.
There are amazing groups on Facebook where you can find tribes of people like us, but there is still competition, judgment, and people still hold back a little. It is not like you feel like you can completely trust them in that kind of a setting. Well I want that for those who feel like it is time to fully express yourself. I want this to be a place where you can discover your gifts and own them. If you are struggling, there will be live coaching to help you overcome those struggles. There will be programs from all different niches and weekly coaching calls to help you get to where you want to go.
One of my struggles and the struggles of so many others is when you are INSPIRED and you crave coaching or programs that will either help you to become a better person or to help you build your dream business, it costs thousands of dollars. I mean it can add up to tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars to put all of the pieces together. I personally have spent almost $100,000 on self improvement, and trainings of all sorts. And trust me, I don't regret any of it. There is incredible stuff out there. I love it!
So when I had my epiphany to create this site, it was when I was being coached to charge $1,000/month for coaching. Trust me, the $1,000/month would be worth it and I have even paid more than $1,000/month for coaching. But I wanted to help everyone, not just the ones that could afford $1,000/month. Everyone should have the right to get help to fix their marriage, or to remove their money blocks, or to get help to advance in their business.
So this really bothered me. Yes, I could charge $1,000/month and then the most people that I would want to work within a month would be 40 people. But how am I going to help change the world with 40 people at a time? How could I go on knowing that tons of people want help, but not being able to pay for what I charged. And if I help with one area of their life but then if they needed help with another area or two, they would have to find another coach or another program, and it gets way too expensive. Worth it, yes! But very expensive!
So I brainstormed and decided that I want to have a membership where you can get all of the training in one place. The self help and online business space has become a Red Ocean. There are sites where there are a bunch of courses all in one place, but they are all sold individually.
Now I know, this could piss off a bunch of people. Piss off a bunch of coaches and I honestly don't want to do that but...my focus is to make a huge impact and to help change the world. Trust me, I think this will help way more coaches then it will hurt them.
What I want OnlyTheInspired.com to be is a place where the INSPIRED can come together as one big Tribe connecting and changing the world together. I want to have coaches offering their programs and live coaching and to get paid a healthy consistent monthly income for it. And I want to give to charities, and causes around the world on a monthly basis and the Tribe gets to pick who gets helped.
The Tribe grows, connects, and saves a ton of money.
The Coaches teach, inspire, and make great money.
And Charities around the world benefit from it all.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” April 23, 1910
Theodore Roosevelt - The Man in The Arena Tweet
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Marianne Williamson Tweet
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